28 January 2010

3 Weeks Old!!

Bastian is adjusting amazingly! We are not having any more crazy temper tantrums! Which is such a blessing! We are already getting a routine in place! That is amazing! As of now our day looks like this.
Wake up
Bastian Bath/ Nurse Gabriel
Breakfast/Kitchen Clean up/Devotional Time (Gabriel watches all thee action from his bouncy seat on the island!)
Playtime/Puzzles with Mommy/Nurse Gabriel
Gabriel Naps/ Mommy and Bas Clean up/ Play
Bas lunch time/Nurse Gabriel
Bas nap time/Mommy and Gabriel Nap/ Nurse Gabriel
Prepare dinner
Bastian wakes/ Playtime
Clean up/ Nurse Gabriel
Story time
Bed Time for Bas/ Nurse Gabriel

I am interested to see how much this routine changes over the next couple months...

Here is Bastian enjoying some yogurt on his yogurt mat! He misunderstood what we said... and decided that it was a great place for a snack!
One of our rare awake photos!

Another shot of our awake newest little man!

Other than that we are doing great! We are pretty certain Gabriel is going through a growth spurt, since today we have pretty much been nursing all day long!

Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
--1 Thessalonians 5:17-18, NLT

23 January 2010

More of the Newbie and the family.

Bastian and Gabriel! It was only a couple of days of torture and then our sweet little Bastian started becoming sweet again! Now he loves to love on his baby brother! Sometimes he is still a little rough, but I'm not sure that's going to stop any time soon...

Gabriel tucked in tight in the Moby Wrap. We LOVE this thing! It is by far the best way to carry a baby.

Catching some adorable ZZZ's
Bastian meeting Gabriel for the first time. We was very sweet!
Tony holding Gabriel in the hospital.

All is well! Breastfeeding is going MUCH better. Gabriel is not looking jaundiced anymore and he is finally putting weight back on. He was not back to his birth weight by 2 weeks, which is ideal.. but the doctors are not concerned.

We are looking forward to our nonstop stream of visitors that will be here through February and March!

Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others; then they will not be unproductive.

--Titus 3:14, NLT

20 January 2010

The Newbie!

Grandpa Bill and Gabriel.

Cute baby dude all snuggled up...

The First Photo of Mommy Daddy and Gabriel! He was jut minutes old!