28 October 2010

Tuesday is Science Day

Tuesday is Science Day around here!  And last Tuesday we learned about Fall and why the leaves fall off of the trees.

Afterward we did a fun art project and put them back on!

First we made some "Gi-mans"

This was how we entertained Gman during our craft-ing!

And here is our final product!


27 October 2010

Random Awesome-ness!

Lately we've had some random funny shots around here! Enjoy!

This is Bastian's awesome Hedgehog that  he drew on the wall in the kitchen!

This is Bastian and his sweet bubble hat!


26 October 2010

Catching Up- Pumpkin Picking!

A while ago we went with our Mom's Group Pumpkin Picking! Bastian had a great time hanging out with some friends that he doesn't see often!

We rode a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch! Both boys had a great time! Gabriel had a great time and true to his style he was happy as long as he has an apple to hold the entire time!

Bastian and Aiden had a great time checking out the tractor!

Bastian and Aiden have their ups and downs... but luckily it seemed to be an Up Day!  

Both Bastian and Aiden had fun picking the funkiest pumpkins around!

Before we left we were able to check out the tractor!

We had a great time and snagged one big pumpkin and one ugly tiny green one... that was free because it was so horrible!


21 October 2010

Bastian's Quotable Quotes

1. God will punch the monsters right in the face!
      Said when we were explaining that God will protect him during the night...
2.  Momma, just give me the map!
      Said in the car when Tony and I were arguing over which way to turn at an intersection...
3. I smell an owl...
       Said at Maymont...
4. Gretchen and I were licking each other earlier! We were just goofing around!
5. Mom, will you itch my armpit?  It's itchy!!
6. Don't mess with my slide or I will punch you in the face and put you in time out!
7. I love you dad, you are the best dad. For me. Today.
8. Mom! My pillow pet won't go back to a cuddly animal!
9. There were people all around God to love him... then a giant castle Jericho appeared and it was everyones birthday!
10. Bas- Jericho has those (Downspouts) !!... Me- Hmmm  Bastian- Don't say that Mom, I'm not wrong!
11. I'm a wild animal! You need to put up this gate to protect  your children!

Bastian's brain is so awesome! I know everyone thinks that their child is brilliant... and I am totally one of them! He is such a quick and enthusiastic learner! We are not often bored around here!


14 October 2010

Computer Camp!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.... My computer is at Computer Camp getting a new hard drive!

I'll be back soon!


02 October 2010

Apple Picking Charlottesville Style!

Man-o-man, the weather has been a-maz-ing lately. To celebrate that amazing-ness we went apple picking! I have a ton of recipes that I've been wanting to try and we needed a family adventure!

It was so fun! Bastian loved snatching the apples off the trees and the ground. We had a tough time convincing him to leave the gross ones behind. 

All that we had to do to entertain Gabriel was to hand him an apple! He didn't want to eat it, he was happy just holding it! 

We discovered that the apple catcher on a stick thing is totally not necessary when you have a sasquatch for  a husband and a daredevil for a child!  

We found a nice couple to take a family shot for us!

After we filled our bags of awesome Braeburn Apples and paid for them, Tony and Bastian decided that they wanted Cider and donuts. While we waited for them we sat on a deck and we were able to see the coolest view of the mountains! 

And when we got home, we started washing and cooking apples. We've just finished our first batch of applesauce and we have a batch of fruit leather in the oven! 


Yard Sale for Haiti

September 25th was our Yard Sale for Haiti. We have some great friends here and they run a school in Haiti. Tony and I have been looking for ways to get involved and help them out... so we planned a yard sale!
 We received  a ton of donations! Which is really a good thing, but for us it was a bad thing- we spent $45 on stuff that never made it out to the sale! Not the greatest plan when we are trying to simplify our home!

We had quite a bit of children's clothes & toys. We sold very little of them too.

We also had a ton of adult clothing, but we didn't sell much of that either! 

At the end of the day we loaded all the unsold goods into our garage and now I have things listed on Ebay, craigslist and our church site.  
So far we've made around $400 and we hope to add another $100 to it with online sales. 

I think the sale was successful, and it provided a great opportunity to spend an entire day with friends! 

Gma Beth and Echo visit VA!

Last week we welcomed Grandma Beth in our home for  few days. Bastian had a blast! He really enjoys having new people to show off for and especially to read him stories! When Bas and Gma weren't swimming on the living room floor or golfing outside we were in the car headed somewhere cool!

Watching Global Wonders with Bastian.

My mom has never seen Belle Isle, so we had to check it out! We really look for any excuse to go there anyways!

We found a chair rock! Woot!

We also went to Maymont, and had our Yard Sale for Haiti! 
We had a great time and Bastian was very bummed when she had to leave.