We don't watch tv often anyhow and Wild Kratts is pretty much the only show they see regularly... and I may or may not be the president of the Kratt Brother's Fan Club myself!!!
We didn't do a massive party like I had originally planned.
We did have a Tasmanian Devil inspired Birthday Party though!
Chocolate Carcass Cupcakes- these were actually regular gluten free/dairy free cupcakes! No carcass-
I promise!
I wish I could tell you how amazing this was... unfortunately it is chock full of gluten and dairy products! I heard that it was yummy though!
Carrion Cake Balls are a rough adaptation of this recipe they are free of every offending food and quite good too! Gabriel and I love them!
We also had pizza!
We had the friends sign a book about T-Devils and then they signed a card for Hamfrey. He is the child that we sponsor through Compassion International. He is right around Bastian's age.
The dowels in the center of the table are for the walking sticks that we made. They doubled as a party activity and a party favor!
Danielle is the only person that Azalea enjoys spending time with other than Tony and me! So she hung out with her for much of the party!
Another party activity was T-Devil mad libs! They were really funny because it was a group of mostly boys and they kept yelling out things like "explode" and "stinky"
We also had a pop quiz about a few reptiles and on the back of it was a fact sheet about the animals that my mom brought for the reptile show!
The kids all got to learn about a Bearded Dragon, a blue tongued skink, and a Columbian red-tailed Boa! (my camera battery died before this part of the party!)
Bastian really had a blast at his party and it paid off to be a sell out for a while!