The easiest way for me to get started was to define my roles and then outlining how I would like to perform in each of those areas.
My Current Roles are;
1. Daughter of the King
a. Spend Time in the Word Daily (As a Priority, before TV or Computer time)
b. Spend Time in Prayer Throughout the Day
c. Attend Church Weekly
d. Attend Bible Study Weekly
e. Attend Small Group Study Weekly
f. Read No less than 1 Book per month
2. Wife
a. One on One time daily
b. Devotional Time together (3 times a week)
c. Make lunch for Tony to take to work
d. Make Breakfast for Tony to eat each morning
e. Date Night once a month
3. Mother
a. Read Bible each night before Bed
b. Purposefully pray throughout the day
c. Daily devotional before breakfast
d. Singing & Praying each night before bed
e. Model Godly character in all areas
4. Teacher
a. Highlight God’s Glory in every possible way
b. Aim to make teachable moments everywhere we go
c. 30 Minutes in Lesson Daily & Lesson focused play daily
d. 30 Minutes of reading daily (Before any TV/Gaming is allowed)
e. 1 Library Trip per week
f. 1 Educational Outing per week
5. Homemaker
a. Prepare Quality Meals for my Family
b. Maintain order throughout the house
c. 1 Load of Laundry Per Day
d. Plan Week each Sunday Night (Meals, To Do’s, Lessons)
6. Friend
a. Host dinner for friends at least twice a month
b. Send Cards/Encouragement to at least one person weekly
It looks like a long "To Do List" but really this is pretty much how we live and it is nothing to "Do" but really it is just aiming to be purposeful in all that we do. For me as a list person, I really like having my "duties" all written out... it's a really easy way for me to organize them mentally!
Now for the mission statement. It seems to work well for now, but The Lord has been strong in conveying that he wants Tony and me to live simply and to focus our life on the Mission of God and less on ourselves. We feel like He is pushing the need to be purposeful in everything and wasteful in nothing.... so here is my mission statement!
· To Love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and follow His commandments.
· To live purposefully and simply in all aspects of my life.
· To Love my husband and encourage him constantly, To submit to his God given authority and to be his partner in all things
· To be a good steward of all of the gifts that the Lord has trusted us with
· To cherish our children and show them the Love of Christ. To teach them to live intentionally for the Lord and with good character
· To be a blessing to others and to constantly encourage
· To Live my Life for the mission of God and to actively serve the Lord and Others.
I plan to print a few of these to place around the house, in my bible and in my journal to keep me mindful of the Lord's directions and where he's pulling me so that I will not get lazy and forgetful.
I highly recommend this exercise to everyone it is a great way to ensure personal accountability and to give more direction to your daily life!
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