28 August 2011

Hurricane Irene!

Nothing really exciting here!

We were pumped and ready for an amazing Hurricane, and while it was quite rainy and windy... nothing really happened!

Im not sure if it was the general gloominess of the day or what, but I was not motivated to do a thing! I was able to can some tomatoes, but only because if I didn't they would have gone bad. I just prayed that the power stayed on the whole time... I would have been real bummed if we lost power in the middle! Luckily we only lost power for about 2 minutes and the tomatoes were successfully made into sauce and canned and are now on a shelf! Whoo hoo!
  After I was done canning, I went back to doing nothing!

The boys loved to watch out the window and yell everytime the wind blew really hard!

The most exciting thing was that our crab apple tree in the back yard broke in half! But it was a sickly tree that was only about 20 feet tall. We might just plant another one there... only this time a real apple tree!

We are glad that nobody was hurt and that we are safe and with electricity... but we really expected a little more excitement from a Hurricane.. especially when it is just days after an earthquake!
Maybe I'm just weird though... maybe.


Another Trip to Belle Isle and Lewis Ginter

10 August 2011

Bastian's Birthday and Party-ness

Bastian was sick sick sick on his birthday! Actually he was sick the day before and 4 days afterward! The poor guy had a headache, body aches, super high fever and he was vomiting! He was pretty pathetic and he made it even worse by asking me "Does everyone get sick when they turn 4?" He thought this was a normal part of the aging process!

Once he was finally feeling a little better we had some friends over for pizza and cake. I dont have any photos of that.. Sorry!

On Saturday we were finally able to celebrate his birthday! We have been wanting to go canoeing for quite some time so we finally went! It was so much fun!

Tony manned the back of the canoe and Bastian held down the middle!
Even though he almost fell in a few times, Gabriel had fun too! As long as he had a stick!

The best way to entertain kiddos in a canoe is to give them a stick and then let them play in the sludge!

Bastian kept pulling the stick out to check out the slime! This was not the cleanest water ever!

Whatta MAN!

The state park that we canoed at had an AWESOME water park! So we played there after canoeing, it was a great idea! We had so much fun!

Sweet baby Gman! I had a hard time getting photos of him, he never stopped moving!

Bastian enjoyed getting to hit people with water!

About 3 minutes into our drive home, this is what our back seat looked like! They were exhausted!