09 April 2012

Bradley Birthing Class Reunion

We all joked that we had the best Bradley Class ever... but I am pretty sure that is the truth! Our birthing class was full of the funniest pregnant ladies I've ever met!

The craziest thing about taking this class- is that we were the only 3rd time parents and yet we learned SO MUCH! I was a bit envious of the other moms who were smart enough to take it the first time around! Why oh why did we take hypnobirthing?!

After all the babies  were welcomed into the world, we gathered at our house to reunite and talk about babies and share birth stories! Seriously- it was so much fun!

Tony was so stoked to talk to people about contractions and placentas!

We had the parents paint the baby tootsies and then step on 10 onesies... Each baby got to take a shirt home with the foot prints of his/her "class mates!"

 Here is a table-o-onesies!  After the onesies we done, we foot printed the table cloth and signed it as a gift for our fearless leader Heather!

Photobombed by a baby!!

New Mom Chatter... probably about puke or sleep schedules or lactation...

This conversation was about scheduled feedings... 

Here was an exciting birth story!

Mercury came downstairs to steal the show!!

A baby line up! By Birth Order! Ten babies were lying on our floor all at once. It was awesome!!

Azalea has some pretty rad hair, I will admit... but check out the baby on the right!! She has a full head of super thick hair with natural highlights! She looks like a cute baby surfer!

One of the finished onesies! Azalea did the pink with blue top one.

My sweet model showing of her new threads!

Moral of the stort- if you have a baby, then invite  9 other babies to your house- it is real fun!

The End!

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