23 May 2012

Easter and Easter Camping

Team Whitehead has started a new tradition. Easter Camping!

Since we have no family in the area to spend the day with, we figured that we might as well do something fun that we could all do together and have fun!

  We colored eggs at home, I had some big plans to use natural dyes like berries and teas... and then when it came down to it- we just used food coloring and vinegar! Maybe next year!

 Check out Tony putting up our tent! Isn't he a stud!
 Speaking of Studs...
 Here is our nancy-boy Mercury. He was a nervous mess  the whole time, so we put him in our tent with the windows open and he slept like a baby the whole time! He is just a city boy!
 Tony took the boys for a hike! They had a blast!

 Azalea was happy as long as she was being cuddled or held... but that's just how she rolls!
 This was the solution to our fighting over that chair problem!
 It got pretty chilly that night- we all had on hoodies and pants and we still froze during the night!
 Since we were camping over Easter we thought that s'mores with peeps would be fun... But, they were gross! S'mores are perfect the way they are, we will not mess with them in the future!

 The boys enjoying their new flashlights! It really is the simple things!
 Bas looking good on the way to church!
 He insisted on a mohawk!
 Gabriel wanted a mohawk too, just like Bastian!

 We were able to get a few cute pictures of the kiddos before church.

 Azalea was less than excited about the photo process!
I love this one!

Team Whitehead

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