06 January 2012

A Team Whitehead Christmas!

Since we had just welcomed a new baby into our home- we decided to have a low key Christmas this year.

It was very nice to focus on just our family and spend time together.

This was the most relaxing Christmas that we've had in a loooong time!

Here are some photos!

The boys enjoying the new Trampoline! This is the best gift to give your children if you are healing from having a baby! They spend so much time jumping and playing and wearing themselves out and I don't have to do much but watch!  In the spring this will go outside and we will experience a whole new side of trampoline fun!!

Tony and the boys opening stockings! We have stuck to our plan of 3 gifts each and a stocking. So once the gifts are opened the stockings become much more exciting!

Merry Christmas!
 Team Whitehead

1 comment:

  1. Please don't tell Maggie and Libby about the trampoline that your boys got, they will think that they got ripped off with the wimpy little tramp we got them :)Ha!
